GIC160 - Angela
in French chain cuff and La Pegy handcuffs and Poucette Troisième République thumbscrews and Rivolier leg irons oldWe have some lovely old French cuffs in our collection, so we needed a modern girl to model them for us. Fortunately, Angela stopped by to have some fun and we locked her in some old style leg irons (Rivolier) and a rare pair of La Pegy handcuffs. Aaah French cuffs, so elegant :-) Angela liked them too, because they’re light weight. Next, we put her in some very odd looking French chain cuffs and tightened a pair of old thumb screws on her thumbs. Yes, they are a torture device and now Angela is painfully aware of that fact :-) Don’t worry, no Angelas were hurt during shooting!