Wild girl Vanessa is back again! When she smiles, she lights up the whole room, but she is not smiling in all of today’s pictures. She is having a great time struggling against the girly (but real) Peerless pink series of restraints. These colored leg irons just look great over her jeans and high heels! Cuffed in a number of interesting positions, Vanessa is throwing in a lot of agression. We’re afraid we had to eventually hogcuff her to stop her mad struggling, but it did not really help much!

Seeing the example pics of this set I already knew: Vanessa was in a good mood when you shot this set, and when this wild beauty is happy, she is a storm. And a delight to behold. Wow.
I enjoy how Vanessa looks angry when she has some pair of handcuffs around her wrists :)
Is there anyone who knows where Vanessa comes from ?
She is from the Czech Republic.