We told you Sammie was fun loving… well, we found out she’s just crazy! :-) She keeps moving, wriggling, challenging and being silly even when handcuffed in a pair of Dutch police standard issue Lips handcuffs. So we added 3 pairs more… and 2 pairs of Deutsche Polizei handcuffs… still no luck in slowing her down, even though the weight on her arms was considerable. So in the end we had to cuff her to a chair using all 6 pairs of cuffs to get her to stay put. We’re just glad she didn’t break the chair!

Sammie is always so wild and happy and full of life, I enjoy all her sets, and this one may be my favourite (I don’t really have to finally decide, do I? I can have and enjoy all of them, yay!), which means I love it a lot. What a breathtaking cutie… you really tried to tame her with all these cuffs, but you didn’t stand a chance. Yet I thank you for trying… and for one more amazing photoset I wouldn’t want to miss.