GIC225 - Gemma
in H.W.C. thumbcuffs and Hiatt's model #2010 handcuffs and Hiatt's model #2020 handcuffs and Hiatt's model #2060 handcuffs and Hiatt's model 5000 leg ironsTiny British model Gemma returns to for a mission impossible! The thing is, she doesn’t know it’s impossible. You see, we have cuffed her to a chair using a nice range of Hiatts restraints. This includes two pairs of handcuffs, elbows cuffed by the infamous hinged model 2060, and leg irons of course. We have added some thumbcuffs, first to her thumbs, but later we decided they would look better on her big toes. Then we told her it’s possible to escape from all this, without using a key. Check out Gemma muttering to herself as she tries to work out how it’s done. You know the answer…