18-year old Denise! She wants to try EVERYTHING! What a great new talent, really submissive, big boobs and cute face. Denis is a naturally curious aspiring bondage model, and she has not often been cuffed before. Of course, she picked the pink ASP handcuffs. I didn’t mind, as long as she is cuffed. The heavy leather prisoner belt really suits her well! Stay tuned, you will hear a lot more from Denise very soon on this website and many other fetish sites!
Beautiful Leila Mazz looked so stunning dressed in this horse riding outfit! We decided to add a leather prison waist belt and pink handcuffs. Some leg irons too. Leila tried to do a little posing but she was very restricted. We loved the way she handled her restraints, it was amazing to see her move around in these cuffs. The cuffs are: pink ASP handcuffs (model 100 chain), and Peerless model 703 leg irons. Enjoy this picture set!
Finally, Megan dared to show up on her own! In the past, she always needed the support of her super model friend Coxy to come to the GirlsInCuffs.com headquarters. But Megan is a great model too! Actually, her body is one of the most toned and fit we have ever seen! Megan had asked to be locked in the pink ASP handcuffs, because they would match her nails, and she was posing, when suddenly she spotted a neck cuff. She asked if she could try that too! And before you know it, Megan was locked in 3 neck cuffs connected to her handcuffs, with a pair of G.F. Cake thumbcuffs as a bonus! Yes, Megan loves restraints!!

Jenni C! She looks better and better every time she comes back! Super fit body, strong legs, very athletic! This amazing blonde girl has been coming back for more cuffings for years now! Let’s cuff this blue eyed girl in pink cuffs! She will like that! And some strong leg irons for those amazing legs! Jenni looks so good in lingerie and cuffs! She doesn’t really like the hogtie position at the end, but who cares! It’s Jenni C in restraints!! A great girl in great cuffs!

Little Caprice is so cute! We just had to lock her into pink cuffs! The pink ASP model 100 are chain handcuffs that are really nice and smooth. Girls love them! The keyholes can be accessed from both sides, which is a little easier to escape, but if you keep the keys away from the girl you will be fine. The Peerless model 703 leg irons are a slightly different color pink, but nice as well! These are not toy cuffs, they are real! And Little Caprice ends up on her stomach, hogcuffed… just like we all love to see her!

GIC486 - AnnaBelle Lee
in ASP model 100 handcuffs pink and Chicago neck cuff and Peerless model 703 leg ironsDo you know AnnaBelle Lee? If you don’t, she might just seem a cute little American girl who loves handcuffs. If you do know her, you are a bondage fan and you have seen her on much more extreme websites! She is cute, but she is tough as nails! She loves bondage and will search for opportunities everywhere she travels. When she visited the GirlsInCuffs.com headquarters, we knew we just had to give her a little bit of a challenge, while still retaining some cuteness. So AnnaBelle was cuffed in a ball position, neck to wrists to ankles, unable to stand up or walk. Great girl, great position! Check it out!

GIC435 - Ashley Bulgari
in American Handcuff Company N-200 handcuffs and ASP model 100 handcuffs pink and ThumbcuffsCute tattooed party babe Ashley Bulgari is back! We have the perfect handcuffs to match her shirt: the pink ASP model 100 cuffs! They are light, have keyholes on both sides, and they are… pink! All models love pink handcuffs! But these are not toys, as Ashley finds out soon, they really require a key to unlock, and to make things worse, we have also cuffed her cute thumbs in thumbcuffs! We add the short chained AHC N-200 handcuffs on her ankles, and Ashley thinks we can not hogcuff her, because the ankle chain is too short. We just used her thumbcuffs to connect the ASP and the AHC! Problem solved!

GIC339 - Kimberley
in ASP model 100 handcuffs pink and Blue box and Hiatt Thompson leg irons and Thumbcuffs and Waist chainKimberley finds out it is pretty awkward to be handcuffed in this many restraints! She is handcuffed, put in a blue box attached to a double waist chain, thumbcuffed, and leg ironed. And that is a good thing! Because Kimberley is a crazy girl, she needs restraints to stop her from running, jumping, kicking, and whatever else she intended doing. Her friend Candy is not here with her this time, but next time they are together we will definitely neck cuff these insane girls together! That should be good :)

GIC269 - Claudia
in ASP model 100 handcuffs pink and Blue box and Connector chain and Smith & Wesson's model 1900 leg irons and Waist chainAt the very end of 2010, we look back at another year of cuffing girls. We had a lot of new girls this year! Let’s add one more to our collection: the lovely redhead Claudia will close this year for us all. But not before we close some cuffs on her. A new girl in full transport restraints? Cuffs, bluebox, shackles, waist chain, and connector? Isn’t that a little harsh? No, it’s not… just take one good look at Claudia, and you know she belongs in cuffs. You just want to restrain her and never let her out again. Well, not until 2011 maybe ;-) Happy New Year, we will be back in 2011 with lots more girls in lots more cuffs!