GIC264 - Morgaine
in American Handcuff Company JN-105 juvenile and American Handcuff Company N-105 handcuffsThis is amazing! Morgaine emailed us to be a Girl In Cuffs, and when she arrived at the GiC HQ, we immediately noticed her very thin arms. On top of that, Morgaine is super flexible! She is a handcuffer’s dream! We cuffed her tiny wrists in the AHC JN-105 ‘juvenile’ handcuffs. Morgaine just loves being handcuffed, just look at the excitement in her eyes. And then… we just had to try it: we put a regular pair of AHC N-105 handcuffs on her elbows! It’s very rare for a model to be able to do this. And what’s more, there was even flexibility and room to spare, her elbows really can go even tighter together! What can we do to test her next time? Irish 8’s on her elbows maybe? We can not wait to try!